04.11.2018 - 14:00 - 17:00
Rad Ropes – the tying event for genderqueers, non-binaries, trans* and
inter* people, lesbians and womyn* – Autumn Edition 2018
Welcome the autumn round of Rad Ropes! Summer came to an end and we keep going. Let’s have it cosy and continue this beautiful Rad Rope thing that started this year. There will be 4 more events in october before a big winter break until january 2019.
As always new people and already experienced people are both welcome. As well if you only want to watch and smell the air of ropes. This is a non sexual tying event without nudity.
Saterday, October 6th, 2-5 pm: Let’s come together for some more fun rope games and free tying. No plan, just lots of time for fun and feelings, smiles and surrenders, first knots and fine improvisation.
Monday, October 15th, 7-10 pm: Let’s do some workshopping and find our way with frictions, rope handling and 1-rope tying. Also for complete newbies.
(Thursday, October 25th cancelled due to EURIX, moved to October 29th)
Monday, October 29th, 7-10 pm: More fun rope games and free tying, maybe an EURIX afterglow. Again no plan, still lots of time for fun and feelings, smiles and surrenders, first knots and fine improvisation.
Sunday, November 4th, 2-5 pm: Let’s finish with another wonderful skill share, our practise laboratory. Come with your ropes, come to be tied and come if you are new to ropes. Everyone can present what they are working on at the moment and be joined by others to learn. You can ask questions and find someone to answer them.
All events are single units, they don’t built on each other. We ll start and close each of it together though, so they are not drop in and out events. But we prefer you coming late instead of not at all. There will be snacks. Please bring mats and blankets if you can. There are no hanging points yet.
Also we want to ask all of you with rope to donate your old suspension ropes (ongoing request) to have rope for people who don’t bring any (it will be kept separate to make sure its only used for floor work). Thank you!
If you have any questions or want to meet a little earlier or need anything else to be able to come, you are very welcome to write an email!
The space: the f.a.q. Infoshop in Neukölln, Jonasstr. 40, 12053 Berlin, U8 Leinestrasse, there are several rooms, we ll share the location with other people that night (but have our own room). It’s a ground floor, there is a ramp for the one stair and a wheel chair accessible toilet.
Donation based 1-5 Euro.
Please read our general invitation on the website as well.
radropes.blogsport.de, ropes at riseup.net
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